In 2006, the three partners Vadym Rekunenko, Hans Ryter and Thomas Graf began work on building the dairy farm.
Our goal is sustainable and long-term profitable milk production. To achieve this, we rely on good basic feed during the growing season and high-quality winter feed as well as a healthy and long-lived dairy herd. Our valued and reliable employees are also an important factor in our success.
Our farm is located in the village of Parijvka next to the town of Illintsi in the Vinnitsa region, 220 km southwest of Kyiv (west-central Ukraine). We farm around 300 hectares with 40 people and currently keep around 250 dairy cows and 120 rearing animals.
In 2015, we decided to set up a cheese dairy on the premises of the dairy farm. The aim is to process some of the milk produced daily and to establish a local sales market for various high-quality dairy products. After building the cheese dairy, we put it into operation in 2016. Until 2018, we tested the production of various dairy products and regularly processed small quantities of milk. Initially, the products were sold through our own farm store and through retailers in our region and in Vinnytsa; since fall 2021, we have also been able to sell our products regularly in Kiev.
We are currently building up our own brand, designing the packaging accordingly, expanding the processing capacity of our farm cheese dairy and developing the sales channels in parallel with increasing the processed production volumes.
We inform consumers about our company, our dairy products and their quality on our Ukrainian website at